Kid Cudi verkar sannerligen ha fått ordning på sitt liv och hittat en glädje och ett lugn som han kanske aldrig haft tidigare. Det blir extra tydligt när han nu frontar en ny kampanj för Calvin Klein.

Cudder har själv postat ett par bilder från kampanjen tillsammans med ett klipp där han kan ses dansa självsäkert, delvis i en peruk som får honom att se ut som en blond Jimi Hendrix.

I en intervju med Esquire berättar Kid Cudi om samarbetet och hans approach:

“Man, I think what makes me feel confident is knowing that I’m truly myself at all times. I’m 100 percent unique, me. And I know that’s what carries me into every situation. The fact that I love myself. That’s really it. That’s what gives me the most confidence in the world.”

På frågan om hur han lyckats frigöra sig själv och helt kunnat uttrycka sig fritt svarar han vidare:

“Oh, man, I think letting go has been the big thing. Letting go of the things that don’t serve me, the things that don’t make me feel good. Kind of letting things go and moving on and opening up new chapters. I think when I did that interview, I was at a place in my life where I was just beginning a new chapter.”

“But since then, so much has happened. So much with business and movies and me writing movies, me writing TV shows. My clothing line has taken off. There’s just a lot that’s happened since. And it’s just a really beautiful thing that I’ve been able to let go of the shit that’s been holding me down all these years, and I’ve been able to really, truly step into this new chapter with a clean slate. I’d say that’s the biggest difference between last year and this year.”

Se bilder nedan!

Foto: Calvin Klein