Den långlivade konflikten mellan Kid Cudi och Lupe Fiasco är över. Detta kommer efter att Kid Cudi på sociala medier utropat en “vapenvila” mellan honom och rapkollegan. Cudder skriver i sociala medier:

“Just talked to Lupe. Had a great talk. I know I was wrong and told him I shouldnt have did that fuck shit I did. I called myself lookin out for the fans in the moment, but in reality I was just hating. I apologized and he accepted it. Which I appreciated foreal.”

Han fortsätter:

“I understand the anger and vitriol he had for me all these years, and I wasnt mature enough to step up and just have a conversation and admit I was wrong. We as black men need to be united. He always had love for me. Always supported me. I shouldnt had did him like that. I wanna thank my guy IBN for settin the call up, and u, the fans, for being real w me and urging us to speak. We are good now, brand new journey.”

Han avslutar meddelandet med att tagga Lupe Fiasco och skriva:

“See u soon brother”.

Lupe repostade i sin tur meddelandet och passade på att promota Cudi´s nya album “INSANO”. Innan bråket verkar de två rapparna ha varit bra vänner, som Kid Cudi förklarade i en intervju med Complex år 2010:

“Besides the fam, and Yeezy and Don C, there’s one artist in this game who has always had my back and had nothing but love to show, and that’s Lupe Fiasco. Every time I see that man, it’s nothing but love—I saw him a little after it, and he was like ‘I’m worried about you, man, just checking in.’ He’s somebody who I know really genuinely gives a fuck.”

Se Kid Cudis senaste tweet på X nedan!

Foto: @KiDCuDi / X