En Calvin Klein-reklam med artisten FKA twigs har förbjudits i Storbritannien av landets Advertising Standards Authority (ASA). Enligt uppgifter i media anser ASA att reklamen – där artisten och dansaren täcker halva sin nakan kropp med en jeansjacka – är “oansvarig” och eventuellt stötande då den objektifierar kvinnor.

“The image’s composition placed viewers’ focus on the model’s body rather than on the clothing being advertised”, konkluderar organisationen och tillägger att eftersom reklamen lägger fokus på twigs “fysiska attribut” så presenterade den henne “as a stereotypical sexual object.”

Utredningen startades efter klagomål som också riktades mot bilder av Kendall Jenner i samma kampanj, men organisationen bedömde inte att dessa var stötande.

“The images were not vulgar and were of two confident and empowered women who had chosen to identify with the Calvin Klein brand, and the ads contained a progressive and enlightened message”, säger Calvin Klein till sitt försvar angående FKA twigs-reklamen.

Twigs själv kommenterade cirkusen via Instagram:

“i do not see the ‘stereotypical sexual object’ that they have labelled me. i see a beautiful strong woman of colour whose incredible body has overcome more pain than you can imagine.

in light of reviewing other campaigns past and current of this nature, i can’t help but feel there are some double standards here. so to be clear… i am proud of my physicality and hold the art i create with my vessel to the standards of women like josephine baker, eartha kitt and grace jones who broke down barriers of what it looks like to be empowered and harness a unique embodied sensuality. thank you to ck and mert and marcus who gave me a space to express myself exactly how i wanted to – i will not have my narrative changed”, skriver hon.

Foto: Calvin Klein