I samband med firandet av “Star Trek Day” i september avslöjde Kid Cudi att han har ett samarbete med den klassiska serien på gång. Nu lanseras kampanjen “Boldly Be” som beskrivs reflektera “the optimistic and inclusive spirit of adventure, discovery, imagination, and most importantly, hope, at the heart of the cultural phenomenon.”

Samarbetet består av originallåten “Heaven’s Galaxy” med produktion av Dot Da Genius, ett “Fortnite”-spel betitlat “STAR TREK X KID CUDI: MIRROR MAYHEM” och en kapselkollektion som lanseras 12 oktober 2023 i samband med New York Comic Con. Cudder beskriver spelet på följande vis:

“Boldly Go as you partner with Captain Skyles (Kid Cudi) on a mission to uncover the source of a sonic anomaly that threatens the peaceful planet Vada. Beam down to explore, discover and defend a world these forces are threatening to tear apart. It’s up to you and other Starfleet recruits to work together with Captain Skyles to uncover the source of this musical malady and restore the harmony of Vada while there’s still time!”

Kampanjen i sig hämtar inspiration från livssynen IDIC, “Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations”, vilket är grundfilosofin för Vulcaner som menar att det är bästa receptet för sanning, skönhet och styrka.

“I grew up watching Star Trek with my dad who is single-handedly responsible for turning me into a fan. The most important thing to me is to be as authentic as possible. Star Trek’s mission has always been about having a hopeful future and when I was first approached about this project it was the perfect marriage of all the things I believe in – being brave and a hero by doing what’s right and fighting for freedom. I can’t wait to share my love of this incredible franchise with the world”, säger Kid Cudi i ett uttalande.

Foto: Star Trek