"I consider them family, I believe in this cause.”

I slutet av maj släppte David Jassy sitt projekt “San Quentin Mixtapes, Vol. 1”, vilket är det första av sitt slag. Här har han nämligen samlat medfångar på just San Quentin State Prison, där han själv spenderade elva år innan sin tidigarelagda frigivning i mars. I en intervju med amerikanska HipHopDX avslöjar han nu att han vill ta de medverkande fångarna på turné med projektet och ger bland annat fler detaljer kring Quincy Jones III’s inblandning.

“That’s part of the plans that we have for this, we’re planning tours in the future. The doors are also open for all of the guys that are participating in the mixtape to the business that I run, Jassy World Entertainment. They’ll also get a chance to work with QD3, Quincy Jones III, and Greg Wells, who’ve all opened their doors for them”, säger han till HipHopDX.

“I want to bring this on tour. A lot of these guys, as soon as they get off parole, we already planned that they’re coming over to Sweden and we’re going to continue to work. I’m 100% invested in all of these men. I consider them family, I believe in this cause.”

Ambitionerna hänger dock på att Jassy tillåts åka tillbaka till USA, efter att ha blivit deporterat till Sverige i samband med sin frigivning.

“If I were ever to be let back into America, I want to go back into prisons and continue this and go back into juvenile halls and high schools and continue this program. I do have a lot of dreams and a lot of visions, but even if I can’t, even if I have to stay in Europe, I will continue to struggle and I will continue to spread this message.”

Han får även frågan om en andra volym av mixtape-projektet, varpå han svarar att det fortfarande är i ett tidigt stadie.

“I don’t know when volume two is coming out, because we don’t know what’s going to happen with volume one right now. We’re just trying to see where this ends up and how far we can push it”, säger han och fortsätter:

“We recorded more than 100 songs in there so we still have some heat. We’re not done and I would like to encourage people to go and follow us on Instagram and support the movement.”

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Foto: David Jassy/Instagram