Nä, Chris Rock köper inte Will Smiths senaste videoursäkt, där “King Richard”-stjärnan för första gången adresserade händelsen på Oscars sedan den initiala offentliga ursäkten kort efter. Enligt Deadline har Rock nu svarat på videon, som Smith släppte på sin YouTube-kanal i slutet av juli. Detta under ett framträdande med Dave Chappelle på O2 Arena i London.

“Fuck your hostage video. Yes, that shit hurt. He played Ali. I can’t even play Floyd Mayweather”, ska Rock ha sagt under lördagskvällen med referens till Smiths roll som Muhammad Ali i 2001 års “Ali”.

Veckan innan ska även Chappelle ha kommenterat händelsen i Liverpool, där han menade att Smiths örfil på Rock krossade hans helhyllepersona.

“Will did the impression of a perfect person for 30 years, and he ripped his mask off and showed us he was as ugly as the rest of us. Whatever the consequences are … I hope he doesn’t put his mask back on again and lets his real face breathe. I see myself in both men”, ska han ha sagt.

I videoursäkten som Smith publicerade i juli sa han bland annat:

“I’ve reached out to Chris and the message that came back is that he’s not ready to talk and when he is, he will reach out. So I will say to you, Chris, I apologize to you. My behavior was unacceptable and I’m here whenever you’re ready to talk.”

“There is no part of me that thinks that was the right way to behave in that moment. There’s no part of me that thinks that’s the optimal way to handle a feeling of disrespect, or insults.”