Rapparen ger även en uppdatering kring sin presidentkandidatur.

Sedan Kanye West avslöjat att han kandiderar till presidentvalet i USA 2020 har han även hunnit med att presentera sin kollektion Yeezy Season 2 under New York Fashion Week. Nu ger ”Yeezy” en uppdatering kring läget med kampanjen men också kommande albumet som ska heta ”Swish”.

Fans som trott att “Swish” är utom räckhåll lär blir nog besvikna över Kanyes – något förvirrande – besked. I en intervju med Vanity Fair pratade han bland annat om ”Fade” – låten han premiärspelade under sin modevisning. Stjärnan indikerade då på att skapandeprocessen sträcker sig över ”1-2 år”.

“We had a couple options and I just thought it sounded good against the people. For the 40 theaters across the globe, for the kids that all went to see it in theaters, I thought they’d be happy to hear some new music. I’ve been doing that [making a new album] too. That’s like a sonic landscape, a two-year painting. That song I played has been a year and a half in the making and it may be still a year from being complete. But it was to let people get a glimpse at the painting.”

På frågan om Kanye fortfarande planerar att kandidera till USA:s president svarade Kanye;

“Oh, definitely. And then as soon as I said that, it was like. Wait a second, we would really be into that, because actually if you think about it, he’s extremely thoughtful. Every time he’s ever gotten in trouble, he was really jumping in front of a bullet for someone else. He’s probably the most honest celebrity that we have.”
I didn’t approach that because I thought it would be fun. It wasn’t like, Oh, let’s go rent some jet skis in Hawaii. No, the exact opposite. I sit in clubs and I’m like, Wow, I’ve got five years before I go and run for office and I’ve got a lot of research to do, I’ve got a lot of growing up to do.”

Intervjun med Vanity Fair avslutas med att handla om med det aktuella namnet på kommande skivan – som Kanye själv verkar ha svårt att hålla koll på.

“It’s currently called Swish. I’m forgetting even what the last name of it was now.”

// Leah Deriba