Köpenhamn-baserade rapduon Skakmat, bestående av Nadia Mimi och Josie Amadonna, är aktuella med sin debutsingel “Hvem Er Vi?”. Gruppnamnet betyder “schack matt” på svenska och för Girlsareawesome.com beskriver de båda singelns budskap:

“The song is about female empowerment in general. This is a presentation people can’t misunderstand. For the first time since ‘No name requested’ (A Danish rap-group 1990) you see two women standing together in the music industry in Denmark. The song is all about attitude and feeling yourself. As long as you’re with your homegirls, nothing can stop you. That’s why we started this group – because we know we’re stronger together. What we are talking about is actually very simple to explain. It’s about sex, money and stuff we hear all the male rappers talking about. Now it’s time for Denmark to hear the female version.”

Skakmat arbetar på att färdigställa en debut-EP, med obekräftat releasedatum.