Will Smith är en av världens mest uppskattade skådespelare och framgångsrik producent i Hollywood, något som kan ligga honom i fatet om en politisk karriär vore ett framtida alternativ. I en intervju med Crooked Media-podcasten “Save America”, så citerar Complex rapparens ambitioner att möjligtvis ge sig in i politiken framgent.

“I think for now I’ll let that office get cleaned up a little bit and then I’ll consider that at some point down the line. I absolutely have an opinion, I’m optimistic, I’m hopeful, I believe in understanding between people and I believe in the possibility of harmony. I will certainly do my part, whether it remains artistic or, at some point, ventures into the political arena.”

Redan 2015 sade sig Will Smith vara redo att kandidera till USA:s presidentämbete, på grund av Donald Trumps rasistiska retorik. Då sade han:

“If people keep saying all the crazy kinds of stuff they’ve been saying on the news lately about walls and Muslims, they’re going to force me into the political arena…”

I den nya podcastintervjun kommenterade Smith även rasism och den ökade polariseringen i USA:

“I’ve been called [n-word] to my face probably five or six times. And fortunately for my psyche, I’ve never been called [n-word] by a smart person. I grew up with the impression that racists and racism were stupid, and they were easy to get around. I just had to be smarter now while they were very dangerous. I had never looked into the eyes of a racist and saw anything that I perceived as intellect.”

I februari månad premiärvisades Amend: The Fight for America” på Netflix, där Will Smith agerar värd i en dokumentärserie om den amerikanska konstitutionen ur ett historiskt perspektiv.

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Foto: Saeed Adyani/Netflix