Efter gripandet och det stundade åtalet för mord gentemot Duane “Keefe D” Davis (i polisens dokument och åtalet benämnd under aliaset “Keffe D”) har Tupac Shakurs familj uttalat sig i olika kanaler. Systern Sekyiwa Shakur, som närvarade vid Hollywood Walk Of Fame-ceremonin i somras, säger i ett uttalande:

“This is no doubt a pivotal moment. The silence of the past 27 years surrounding this case has spoken loudly in our community. It’s important to me that the world, the country, the justice system, and our people acknowledge the gravity of the passing of this man, my brother, my mother’s son, my father’s son.”

Hon fortsätter:

“His life and death matters, and should not go unsolved or unrecognized, so yes, today is a victory but I will reserve judgement until all the facts and legal proceedings are complete. There have been multiple hands involved and there remains so much surrounding the life and death of my brother Tupac and our Shakur family overall. We are seeking real justice, on all fronts.”

Tupac Shakurs broder Mopreme Shakur kommenterade även gripandet för TMZ och sa att det hela är:

“…bittersweet for a number of reasons. The time, of course, 27 years. It didn’t have to be this way, it didn’t have to happen at all,” he said. “I hate even have to live in the reality that my brother’s not here.”