På torsdagsmorgonen publicerade The Game ett foto på sig själv och Lloyd Banks då båda befann sig i Dubai. Bilden var kontroversiell på flera sätt då G-Unit och The Game under många års tid haft en infekterad relation av olika orsaker.

När 50 Cent fick se bilden på Llloyd Banks med The Game reagerade han omedelbart och skrev via Instagram (som han senare raderade):

“What do you see when you look at this picture? I see confusion,I’m not sure if it’s just me, I’m a Cancer shit don’t get old with me. I never ask for trouble but I really don’t have a problem with it I’m different. The question isn’t how I feel about it, but how dose (Lodi Mack) feel about it? Some shit is just better off left alone. #EFFENVODKA #FRIGO #SMSAUDIO”

The Game var inte sen med svar där han framhöll att gammalt groll bör glömmas. Läs hela inlägget nedan! Finns det någon chans att 50 Cent begraver stridsyxan gentemot The Game?!

In response to "50"……. When I heard banks was in Dubai, I told my niggas, "we're goin thru to holla"…. My team thought I was on some bullshit & thought we was going thru to kick off some bullshit… I then told them, "Naw, we ain't on that… We on the other side of the world enjoying ourselves, 1/2 y'all ain't never even left LA… So we gone go thru, show banks party love & im going to personally let him know that me & him are … It's been 11 years since I seen banks & the funny thing is, I told myself.. When I got there I was going to go off his energy… & when we seen each other, it was instantly all good energy, so we chopped it.. threw back a few dranks & took a flick for old times sake to kill the negativity & tension that had once tore one of the GREATEST RAP GROUPS ever apart !!! At some point, you gotta be a MAN about certain situations so last night that's what I decided to do.. It was MY DECISION !!! Whether Buck, gone admit it or not… I talk to that nigga all the time.. As recent as few months ago when I was in Nashville & it was all love…. Don't front now my nigga… This is ME !!! As for me & you "50"… Our past has proven we could both get on some gangsta shit if need be, being that lives have been lost on both sides….. Lives have been taken from friends, & fathers taken from kids.. Which could've easily been MY LIFE or YOURS….. If you choose to ignore the GROWN MAN approach & continue to harbor HATE for me & my side… That's your decision. I can't speak for Banks, but my pride was swallowed last night along with a shot of Hennesey in that club…… Whatever it's gone be is what it's gone be, I said my peace #HateItOrLoveIt

Ett foto publicerat av The Game (@losangelesconfidential)
