Efter senaste årets upprepade händelser i USA där polisen orsakat flera dödsfall vid ingripanden mot människor, briserar nu upplopp i storstaden Baltimore. Det senaste fallet av polisbrutalitet gäller Freddie Gray i Baltimore som efter ett gripande dödförklarades, med bruten nacke. Sex poliser har suspenderats i samband med händelsen och har sedan några dagar tillbaka resulterat i upplopp runt om i Baltimore där mobber av människor angripit polisen och länsat butiker.

A$AP Ant, en av medlemmarna i A$AP Mob, är ursprungligen från Baltimore och befann sig i staden när upploppen började. VIBE ringde upp honom för att tala om bakgrunden till händelserna.

Ant, you were actually in Baltimore when the riots started. Was it happening all over the city?
A$AP Ant: It wasn’t all over the whole city. Most of it was happening on the West side of Baltimore. But the looting looked like it shifted toward the East a little bit. The majority of the destruction was happening on the West side, though.

Most news outlets are painting the picture that “thugs” are over taking the city.
It’s mainly teenagers that’s messing the city up. There’s a lot of people that are little older — that’s actually trying to calm everybody down. It’s really the kids that are goin’ crazy, but we understand where the anger is all coming from. Baltimore been had tension with the cops.

How is it looking now?
Actually, what they’re not showing on TV is the people that are helping clean up their communities. The schools are shut down, sp there’s really a lot of kids, too, that are helping bring things back to normal today. Young people, too. Right now, people are out here trying to clean up the streets.

As a Baltimore native, how did it feel to see your city being looted and destroyed?
I feel the protesters, but breaking in and looting everything is stupid. You’re breaking into pharmacies and stealing, but a little kid might need his asthma pump today. What’s he going to do?

Läs mer om Freddie Gray-fallet här!

Se ett videoklipp från ingripandet som resulterade i Freddie Grays död: