Den forna Outlawz-medlemmen Napoleon har uppenbarligen många historier på lager. Rapparens intervju med The Art of Dialouge uppmärksammades tidigare när han berättade att Jada Pinkett Smith bad Tupac Shakur att inte slå Will Smith, som redan då hade ett förhållande med henne.

Nu bekräftar han också att sångerskan Faith Evans och 2Pac hade ett möte på ett hotellrum, medan hon var gift med rivalen Notorious B.I.G.

“Yeah, bruh. But I don’t want to get into this because she was somebody’s wife. I don’t want to get into that controversy of Faith Evans-Biggie — I can’t do that. But she did come visit him”, säger Napoleon i klippet.

Rykten om en affär mellan Evans och Tupac cirkulerade redan innan Biggies död 1997 och på disslåten “Hit Em’ Up” kommenterade 2Pac som bekant ryktena med orden: “You claim to be a player/But I fucked your wife”.

I sångerskans bok “Keep The Faith”, som släpptes 2009, avfärdade hon dock påståendena.

I en intervju med VladTV 2014 utvecklade hon sedan sin berättelse hon medgav att Tupac frågade henne om sex när de samarbetade för låten “Wonda Why They Call U Bitch”, singeln från 1996 års album “All Eyez On Me”.

“I went to the studio, I realized there were a bunch of Death Row people there, so kind of in my mind I started figuring it out right there. I didn’t think that was a good look just because of the fact of the Suge and Puff situation [at the 1995 Source Awards], sa hon då.

“Even though I didn’t really know a lot of the details about what happened, but it was clear he took a jab at Puff at the Source Awards and stuff like that. But I was pretty oblivious to the things that had gone on prior to that, until probably a few years later.”

Evans åkte sedan till Pacs hotell för att hämta de drygt 200 000 kronorna hon skulle få för samarbetet och det var då frågan ställdes.

“[He asked] in a very surprising and offensive way for sure. By that time it was pretty clear to me, it seemed to me that that was kind of like a plan. I kind of allowed myself to be played and allow myself to get into this situation, because this is totally not how I operate, that ain’t how I do business and that was never up for discussion as far as that being an exchange. That’s not what it was about.”

Se klippet med Napoleon nedan.