Nu har turen äntligen kommit till en av hiphopvärldens mest ikoniska artister att få en stjärna på Hollywood Walk Of Fame. Det handlar naturligtvis om Tupac Shakur, som även bekräftats få en egen gata i Oakland uppkallad i sitt namn.
På onsdagen fick Tupac Shakur få sin stjärna på Hollywood Walk of Fame officiellt presenterad, i en ceremoni där radiolegendaren Big Boy och Tupacs syster Sekyiwa “Set” Shakur närvarade för att avtäcka inskriptionen i gatan. I ett tal under ceremonin öppnade systern upp och visade känslor:
“2Pac knew deep down that he was always meant for something great. As his little sister, I had the privilege to watch that greatness unfold. From the first time he stepped foot on stage at the Apollo Theater at 13 years old before anyone recognized his name, he knew he had the dream to have a star here on the Walk of Fame.”
Hon sa vidare:
“Not only paying tribute to his contribution in the music industry but speaks volumes to he lasting impact he’s had on this world. Today, we’re not just honoring a star on the ground but honoring the world and the passion he put into making his dreams come true. His heavenly star will shine a little brighter today.”
Ceremonin hölls knappt två veckor innan det som skulle ha blivit Tupac Shakurs 52-årsdag.