Fler skott riktade mot Taylor Swift.


Uppgifter till Complex gör gällande att situationen med Kanye West på SNL tagits ur sin kontext. Källan uppger följande:

“He did NOT yell at SNL staff. This audio was secretly recorded while he was venting his frustration in a private moment with his team. He found out his stage design was changed and taken apart under the direction of the show’s lighting director without anyone’s approval. He had spent an entire day rehearsing and a lot of hard work into the performance. Dramatic set changes were made 30 minutes before going live. It should be understandable why he was upset after being completely blindsided.

Kanye was seen hugging Lorne Michaels just before the goodnights and he stayed afterwards to chat with the staff and the cast, and thanked the producers on his way out the door.”

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I samband med releasen av Kanye West’s “The Life of Pablo” uppträdde den musikaliska ikonen på “Saturday Night Live.” I ett läckt ljudklipp från bakom SNL’s kulisser kan man höra ‘Ye genomgå en mindre sammanbrott, där han kritiserar SNL’s produktions crew, hånar Taylor Swift och påstår att han är 50 procent mer inflytelserik än bland annat filmskaparen Stanley Kubrick, Pablo Picasso och Pablo Escobar:

“Are they fucking crazy? Whoa by 50 percent [är jag mer inflytelserik än] Stanley Kubrick, Picasso, Apostle Paul, fucking Picasso and Escobar. By 50 percent more influential than any other human being. Don’t fuck with me. Don’t fuck with me. Don’t fuck with me. By 50 percent dead or alive, by 50 percent for the next 1000 years. Stanley Kubrick, ‘Ye.”

Ännu en gång verkar det som att Kanye är Kanye’s största fiende:

Hör Kanye West’s SNL backstage-rant nedan:

//Ludvig Löfström