Juice WRLDs, Carmella Wallace, har nu gjort sin första tv-intervju sedan sin sons död. Nyligen medverkade hon i programmet “Tamron Hall Show”, där hon bland annat adresserar rapparens missbruk och beroende. Hon får bland annat frågan om hon tror att det fanns personer i hans närhet som uppmuntrade rapparens livsstil.

“I just felt like his best interest wasn’t being looked out for. I think people had their own agendas and they liked the lifestyle. And they were young too, so they don’t see things the way we see them. But he just didn’t have the people in place to tell him to stop. He didn’t have that support system in place”, säger hon i intervjun.

Wallace menar att vissa personer hörde av sig till henne med oro, men ingen från hans närmsta krets.

“I told him of my fears of him overdosing and encouraged him to speak to the psychologist I arranged for him to speak with. But he was 19 and he knew everything. And the people around him, some of them would reach out to me. But not the inner, inner circle.”

I en annan del av samtalet pratar hon om månaderna innan hans död, där hon avslöjar att Juice var på väg att bli kvitt sitt beroende.

“I could tell there was a difference in him and that he wasn’t doing the lean. I think he was still doing pills, but he told me he was ready to get help. It was just a special moment. We just had that moment where I just knew he was going to overcome it.”

I december delade Carmella Wallace ett öppet brev till hennes son i samband med vad som skulle blivit hans 23-årsdag. Samma månad släpptes också HBO-dokumentären “Into the Abyss” samt det postuma albumet “Fighting Demons”.

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Foto: Anastasia Baranovskaia