“This deal is very important to us as we’ve been content producers and storytellers for our entire career."

Black Thought och Questloves produktionsbolag Two One Five Entertainment har signat en “first-look deal” med Universal Television Alternative Studio och Universal Televion, ett dotterbolag till NBCUniversal Content Studios. De båda har som bekant varit en del av NBC sedan 2009, när The Roots blev husband för Jimmy Fallons talkshow. Det nya avtalet innebär att man kommer att utveckla program för både tv och digitala plattformar.

“This deal is very important to us as we’ve been content producers and storytellers for our entire career. A significant investment from Universal Television Alternative Studio and Universal Television in our vision allows us to share these stories on a much larger scale. Tariq and I see this as the next chapter to our careers, and we are very involved in the entire process. I’m directing, Tariq is writing and we both are producing”, säger Questlove i ett pressutskick.

Och de är inga nykomlingar i branschen. Förra året agerade man exekutiva producenter för AMCs dokumentärserie “Hip Hop: The Songs That Shook America”.

“Many of our initial projects have been music-centric content, and one of our goals is to become the premier hub for music storytelling – a safe space for these stories to be shared across a variety of platforms. Eventually, we will expand outside of music with our stories. However, as we all know, every story has a rhythm and Two One Five Entertainment will harness that rhythm and create well-produced, compelling content”, säger Questlove.

Utöver tv jobbar Black Thought och Questlove på en dokumentär om 1969 års Harlem Cultural and Arts Festival betitlad “Black Woodstock”. Two One Five Entertainment producerar också en musikal baserad på den ikoniska showen “Soul Train”.

Foto: Pressbild