Efter att Nicki Minaj samarbetade med Megan Thee Stallion för “Hot Girl Summer” några år tillbaka i tiden, verkar deras relation vara minst sagt ansträngd numera. Efter att Megan Thee Stallion släppte nya singeln “HISS” i fredags, med textrader som bland annat refererade till Nicki Minajs make Kenneth Petty, reagerade den Sverigeaktuella rapparen kraftfullt i sociala medier och delade flera inlägg. Hon skrev bland annat:

“Another manipulation so she can kick ppl to the curb after they helped her. Did y’all run up her color purple song? Nope. Huge vmas performance [big video] = flop. Every album she’s ever released= flopped. Paid media all the time. Fraudulent awards = flopped. Horrible ACTOR that can’t cry on cue don’t try to act bookie it’s a chop. Pathological & manipulative liar. Using ghost writers & still SUCK.”

Kort därefter skrev hon återigen på Instagram och Twitter:

“Y’all wanna bring up family members???!! And lying on your dead mother?!?!! Lied to Gayle. Lied on & FUCKED your best friend man?!!!!! Told me to drink & go to the clinic if I was pregnant. All b/c I wouldn’t let your funky butt pour liquor down my throat? B!ch think she a bully cuz she get a Roc Nation brunch every year. Be mad @ PARDI!!!!!!!!!! He told all your tea but u taking shots at my family? Bwahahhhahahaaaaaaa get up on yo good foot!!!!!! #PinkFriday2 PLATINUM go apologize to your mother nasty serpant! REPENT!!!!”

På söndagseftermiddagen meddelade Nicki Minaj att hon även har ett musikaliskt svar till Megan Thee Stallion, i form av en disslåt med titeln “Big Foot”. Barbz skrev då:

“Wasn’t gon say anything. But I remember how everyone kept my name in their mouth & how I said the next person mention my family gon regret it. Btw, they haven’t even heard the song. Who said it’s even a “diss”? Never even knew I had this much power.”

Lyssna på både “Big Foot” och “HISS” nedan:

Foto: @nickiminaj / Instagram