Den hyllade och ofta underskattade Philadelphia-rapparen Black Thought lanserade i november sin självbiografi “The Upcycled Self: A Memoir on the Art of Becoming Who We Are”. I samband med en intervju om boken bekräftar han att det finns ett nytt The Roots-album som färdigställs.

“We’re a lot closer to a new Roots album. What I’ll say — what I always say is: on the day that Questlove decides to say, ‘Hey, the album is done,’ then it’s done. It’s not like we have to get in underway, the ball has been rolling. There are many songs recorded, many verses written, many a production, you know, a couple of the songs are already mixed.”

Han säger vidare:

“But yeah, it’s not done until it feels complete and until it speaks to and tells whatever story it is we’re trying to tell. And I think the more time that passes, the more of a gap there is to catch folks up on, and I think there’s something in that, in wanting to just be complete in our return.”

Samtidigt bekräftar Black Thought att det finns ett eller två soloprojekt under inspelning, som kan släppas innan ett nytt album från The Roots:

“So yeah, the new Roots album is definitely coming. I think you’re gonna likely see a new Black Thought album — or two — before the new Roots album just because those are the records that I have the final say about.”

I dagsläget finns inga bekräftade releasedatum för projekten Black Thought nämner i intervjun. Tidigare under året lanserades Black Thought en hyllningsvideo till hiphopkulturen för 50-årsjubileume under året. Se nedan!