Levi’s lanserar idag sin nya globala kampanj ”Buy Better, Wear Longer” som fokuserar på att höja medvetenheten om människors gemensamma ansvar för effekterna klädproduktion och konsumtion har på vår miljö. ”Buy Better, Wear Longer” frontas av ett antal så kallade “changemakers” – Jaden Smith, Xiye Bastida, Melati Wijsen, Xiuhtezcatl, Emma Chamberlain och Marcus Rashford. Enligt Levi’s handlar kampanjen om att lyfta fram varumärkets långvariga engagemang för att göra kvalitetskläder som ska hålla i generationer – för vår planets framtid. Jennifer Sey, ansvarig på Levi’s säger i ett pressutskick:

“Ultimately, Levi’s® denim is meant to be worn for generations, not seasons. So we are also using this campaign to encourage consumers to be more intentional about their apparel choices: to wear each item longer, for example, to buy SecondHand, or to use our in-store Tailor Shops to extend the life of their garments. As a company that has celebrated pioneers and aspired to bring inventive environmental solutions to the market, we saw our voice in these young leaders. Change will come if we all work together and we’re humbled to partner with them in reducing our collective impact on the planet.”

Vidare säger Jaden Smith i samband med lanseringen av kampanjen:

“The world we live in encourages us to constantly buy. It puts us in this bad cycle. I’m glad that Levi’s® is changing that message by making thrifting cool. Some of my favorite pairs are thrifted. And I’m even more happy to see that Levi’s® is supporting these amazing young voices who are all speaking up for the environment.”