Se även Tyrese besöka olycksplatsen där "Fast & Furious"-skådespelaren omkom i en tragisk bilolycka.

Skådespelaren Paul Walker, känd från bland annat Fast & Furious-filmerna, dog i helgen i en bilolycka. Bland de sörjande fanns RZA, som under året arbetat med Walker på inspelningen till filmen “Brick Mansions”, som släpps i maj nästa år. De båda hann bli nära vänner, och enligt RZA såg de i varandra: “a kindred spirit of men coming from unlikely circumstances.”. Efter att Wu-ledaren fått höra om olyckan, dedikerade han en låt till Walkers minne, ackompanjerat av ett öppet brev. Låten, som du kan lyssna på nedan, går under titeln “Destiny Bends” och gästas av Will Wells.

Se även filmkollegan Tyrese känslosamma besök på olycksplatsen under gårdagen:

Förbipasserande filmade nedanstående med mobilkamera precis efter olyckan:

Läs även det tillhörande brevet från RZA nedan!

This song, entitled “Destiny Bends” was written last night after hearing the tragic news of the loss of a good man named Paul Walker. I met Paul on the set of the film Brick Mansion[s], where we talked, laughed, and exchanged ideas of life and fatherhood. I only knew him personally for less than a year, but we knew each other through our work and art. We saw in each other a kindred spirit of men coming from unlikely circumstances, and rising to be the light and beacon of our family and loved ones. Men who learned the joy and pains of love in life, and success, while coming to realize that nothing is more important than family, friendship, and the brotherhood of humanity.

Millions of people get to know an artist or movie star through their work, but few are allowed to cross each others’ paths and see through the veil of stardom and find the common denominator that we share. As all physical things will decay and wither away, film, art, and music remain longer than the vessel that delivered them. In this vein, the one thing we can’t take away or give back is time. So, thus, time is the most precious gift. I dedicated my time to compose this song with my two sons and new friend Will Wells, who was kind enough to sing and perform it for me. We dedicate it to Paul Walker. A good man. We had plans to continue working with each other in the future. It seemed destined, but “destiny bends”.

*Note* This song is not for criticism, it’s just a sketch demo. Please enjoy and reflect.

Your comrade in the struggle,