Rapstjärnan öppenhjärtlig i intervju med BBC:s Zane Lowe.


Kolla del 2-4 av intervjun från BBC med Zane Lowe:


I somras fick BBC-journalisten Zane Lowe äran att föra ett längre samtal med Jay Z i samband med releasen av “Magna Carta Holy Grail”. Nu återupprepar han samma typ av intervju i London med “Yeezus”-aktuella Watch The Throne-kollegan Kanye West. Samtalet i del ett rör sig kring inspirationen för senaste skivan och i vilket sinnestillstånd han befann sig i under skapandet. HiphopDX citerar delar av intervjun:

There would be no Kanye West if it wasn’t for Michael Jackson. That allowed him to be that, right? So, now let’s take like where there’s people who have issues with me as Kanye West—they classify my motivational speeches as rants and things like this. Like, ‘Why is he saying that, why is he doing that? Blah blah blah.’ Well, I’ve reached a point in my life where my Truman Show boat has hit the painting,” Kanye explained. “And I’ve got to a point that Michael Jackson did not break down. I have reached the glass ceiling. As a creative person, as a celebrity. When I say that, it means I want to do product. I am a product person. Not just clothing, but water bottle design, architecture, everything that you can think about. And I’ve been at it for 10 years. I look around and I say, ‘Wait a second. There’s no one around here in this space that looks like me and if they are they’re quiet as fuck.’

Se intervjun med Kanye West – av Zane Lowe, del 1: