Öppnar upp om allehanda ämnen inför albumreleasen av "Yeezus".

Inför Kanye West albumrelease kommande vecka träffade den kontroversielle artisten upp med New York Times. Artikeln “Behind Kanye´s Mask” gräver på djupet om hans tidiga karriär, relationen till andra artister och hans kreativa skapande. Läs utdrag nedan, samt hela artikeln på www.nytimes.com:

Even though you had always wanted to be out in front, was there ever a point where you valued your anonymity?

Yeah, I held on to the last moments of it. I knew when I wrote the line “light-skinned friend look like Michael Jackson” [from the song “Slow Jamz”] I was going to be a big star. At the time, they used to have the Virgin music [stores], and I would go there and just go up the escalator and say to myself, “I’m soaking in these last moments of anonymity.” I knew I was going to make it this far; I knew that this was going to happen.