Även aktuell i HBO-dokumentären "Juice WRLD: Into the Abyss".

Juice WRLDs dödsbo bekräftade i november att ett andra postumt album av rapparen kommer att släppas.I samband med att albumet utannonserades gjorde rapparens mamma, Carmela Wallace, gjort ett längre uttalande om vad som väntar härnäst kring rapparens katalog.

“There was nothing Jarad ‘Juice WRLD’ Higgins enjoyed more than delivering new music to his millions of fans around the world. He left behind an astonishingly deep catalog of music that will ensure his fans will have new songs to listen to for years to come. Jarad was always searingly honest about his struggles and through his musical genius he articulated what was on his heart and mind vividly through his art”, skriver hon och fortsätter:

“He never gave up and his friends and family never gave up on offering their support to him. Today we announce a new album Fighting Demons out December 10. We encourage all of you who struggle with addiction and mental health to never give up the fight. We continue to extend free support to you via LiveFree999.org created in his honor.”

En knappt vecka efter albumet kommer också HBO-dokumentären “Juice WRLD: Into the Abyss”, som nyligen fick ett bekräftat premiärdatum till den 16 december.

Foto: Anastasia Baranovskaia / Kingsize Magazine