När Kendrick Lamar lanserade ny musik i slutet av mars var det föga förvånande att “The Heart Part IV” hade den ljudbild vi vant oss med från Compton-rapparen. När den första officiella singeln “HUMBLE.” släpptes höjde däremot många på ögonbrynen för den ljudbild och delivery Kendrick gav med Mike WiLL Made-It. Nu avslöjar producenten bakom låten vem som egentligen avsågs rappa på “HUMBLE.” – ingen mindre än Gucci Mane. I en intervju med NPR säger Mike WiLL Made-It:

“With “HUMBLE.,” I knew that beat was going to capture a moment. It just felt real urgent. I made that beat [last year] when Gucci Mane was getting out of jail; I made it with him in mind. I was just thinking, damn, Gucci’s about to come home; it’s got to be something urgent that’s just going to take over the radio. And I felt like that beat was that. I ended up not doing it with Gucci and I let Kendrick hear it. I was thinking, if Dot gets on this it’ll be his first time being heard on some[thing] like this. At the same time, it kind of has an NWA/Dr. Dre feel, an Eminem kind of feel. So I thought, let me see if Dot f**** with it. And he heard the beat and he liked it. But he was about to give me “HUMBLE.” for [my album] Ransom 2. I love that song so I was like, ‘Man, hell yeah.’ Then he told me that his team was saying he should keep it. And I told him, ‘Bruh, you definitely should keep it, and you should use it as your single.”

Se videon till “HUMBLE.” som till dags dato har över 111 miljoner views på Youtube samt 117 miljoner streams via Spotify: