Redan 2016 släppte amerikanske DJ Critical Hype mixtapet “Chance The Dropout” där de båda Chicago-artisternas musik mixades i en uppskattad mashup. Nu är han tillbaka med ytterligare en installation där Kendrick Lamars vokaler möter Dr. Dre-produktioner på “The Damn. Chronic Mixtape”. I samband med premiären sade upphovsmakaren:

“Kendrick has so many flows, voices, and styles, plus Dre beats are really incredible, so I figured it would be dope…”

Critical Hype beskriver vidare att arbetet knappast var enkelt:

“I was determined to make it work, but the truth is it wasn’t easy. A lot of the tempos actually didn’t mix well. It was a lot more work trying to find good mixes. I had to dig deep and make a capellas for about 60 to 70 Kendrick songs and try and find stuff I was happy with. I really wanted to mix ‘Look Out For Detox’ and ‘Money Trees,’ as well as a lot of album cuts off the DAMN. album. The problem is Dre doesn’t have many slower beats. I’m really happy with the results, though. All the hard work and dedication to this project paid off.”